United Life is a gathering of followers of Jesus Christ. As we seek to follow Jesus, the following waypoints keep us on track:
In Jesus, God Loves Us Unconditionally
We believe that it's not about what a person has done, but what Jesus has done on our behalf. We believe that church is not a museum for saints, but rather a hospital for broken people in need of a savior. Most importantly, we believe that that Savior has made himself known: his name is Jesus.
By the Holy Spirit, We Are Called and Empowered to Be
Disciples and Disciple Makers: The one we follow, Jesus, commanded his followers to "Go...and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." He also said concerning his followers, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses...to the end of the earth." We believe that as we follow Jesus, a key component of this is introducing others to him and helping them as they follow him too.
Creative and Compassionate: As we respond to God's love for us in worship and service, we believe that to do so sincerely requires all of our creativity and compassion
Transparent and Honest: We believe that humanity is way too comfortable building facades and hiding behind them, and we believe that this is not the way God meant us to be. Although it can be pretty uncomfortable at times, we believe that, both individually and as a community, we are called to openness and honesty
Critical yet Constructive: Keeping in mind that some things will remain mysteries throughout our lifetimes, we believe that following Christ includes a deep life of the mind. Thus we encourage asking good questions, no matter how hard they are to answer. We definitely don't just go along with everyone else.
All of This is Through Jesus Christ
We believe that all of this starts and ends with Jesus: hearing about him, having a relationship with him, receiving his gift of the Holy Spirit, and following him.